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This page allows you to search through the list of SAX pointings ( Core Program and Guest Observers Program -GOP-) approved for the first year of operations or through the list of Science Verification -SVP- targets.
Two search types are supported:
a) search in a given sky region (search by coordinates), and
b) search for strings or numeric values (e.g. PI name, Source name, proposal number etc.; search by parameter).

The requested information is returned in a table where links to the proposals abstracts are provided. If a source is listed more than once (because more than one pointing has been approved) and you whish to retrieve only one line use the suppress multiple entries option.

The table resulting from the query can be sorted by any of the parameters available under the sort by button. The equinox used both for input and returned coordinates can be specified with the Equinox button. The Max lines retrieved button is useful to limit the size of the returned table to a maximum number of lines. The default is 50 lines.

This interface has been developed at the SAX Science Data Center (SDC) and is based on the command-driven BROWSE DBMS provided by HEASARC at GSFC.

For the users who wish to download the entire catalog in ASCII format an option to do so is provided.

Please note that a number of TOO proposals have been merged and therefore the exposure time associated to a given TOO pointing may not refer to the original proposal.
Visit this page for details.

Equinox Sample Sort by
R.A. Dec. Radius (arcmin)
(e.g. 12 08 32.22) (e.g. -28 49 50.1)

Allowed Parameters Sample Sort by
Max lines retrieved String or value(s) to search
Suppress multiple entries

Prop Class = stars ; compact galactic ; snr ; normal galaxies ; AGN ; cluster of galaxies ; other
Prop Type = Standard ; TOO
Priority = A ; B
Samples : All Targets=All approved pointings; GOP=Guest Observers Program; Core Pr=Core Program;SVP=Science Verification Phase

Questions should be addressed to: asdc_helpdesk@asdc.asi.it

Maintained by P.Giommi