The fifth BeppoSAX announcement of opportunity - AO5 has been issued on April 20 2001.

The deadline for proposal submission is May 21 2001.

Proposers should carefully read the AO5 announcement and the technical sections of the SAX Observer handbook and of the Addendum

Response matrices, effective area files, for all instruments (LECS, MECS, HPGSPC, PDS and WFC) are also located in the pub/sax/cal/responses/98_11 and pub/sax/cal/responses/99_12 and background files for the four NFI in pub/sax/cal/bgd/98_11 and pub/sax/cal/bgd/99_12 portions of the anonymous FTP account.

A number of Web tools are available for the simulation of BeppoSAX data and for the estimation of exposure times etc.

  • A tool for the AO5 Proposal Form Preparation is available; help can be obtained here.