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Observing Time Subdivision and Proposal Selection

This AO5 calls for proposals for Prime Observing Time (OT) of NFI and WFC. Following the positive decision to extend the BeppoSAX mission for another year, taken by ASI on April 10 2001, AO5 will cover the period June 20011 - end of April 2002.

The proposals will be reviewed and selected, on the basis of their scientific merit and of their feasibility, by a peer committee, the Time Allocation Committee (TAC), under the auspices of the BeppoSAX Scientific Steering Committee (SSSC).

Data from the Gamma-Ray Burst Monitor (GRBM) require very specific and detailed knowledge of the instrument. Scientists interested in these data may find more details in Sect. 4.6 of the Sax Observers' Handbook (SOH) and should contact the hardware team for details. A letter of intent may be submitted to the SSSC (c/o SAX SDC, e-mail to within the same deadline of the Prime OT.

For AO5 100% of the prime OT is dedicated to the Guest Observer Program (GOP) and is open for competition to proposals led by PIs from any country worldwide.

The deadline for proposals submission is May 21, 2001

The AO1, AO2, AO3 & AO4 lists of approved pointing and the corresponding abstracts can be accessed from the SSDC WWW interface and its mirror:

The list of approved observations is also available via

The AO1, AO2, AO3 & AO4 pointing lists can also be accessed in any of the following ways:

Anonymous FTP:

Access to the list of performed observations is also available via Web browsers at the following URLs:

The successful proponents must obtain all the necessary financial support from their home institution or national agency.

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Paolo Giommi 2001-04-20