COMMENT   The following keywords contain informations concerning the
COMMENT   experiment configuration, i.e. the values of nominal telecommands
COMMENT   setting up the most significant housekeeping parameters.
INSTRACT=                    T / MECs Instrument Active
ALLDUS  =                    T / MECS All DUs ON/OFF Switch
LED     =                    F / MECS LED ON/OFF switch
MONITOR =                    T / MECS Emin RM Monit. Enable
OFFTHR  =                 2560 / MECS All Units > Low E Thr
HWOPMODE= 'NORMAL  '           / MECS HW Operative Mode
ITOPMODE= 'DIR2    '           / MECS IT Operative Mode
ESPCHAN = '256 CHAN 16 BIT'    / MECS E/BL Spectra Format
TPCHAN  = '4 CHAN 8 BIT'       / MECS Time Profile Format
ESPTIME =                   16 / MECS E/BL Spectra Accumulation Time
TPTIME  =                125.0 / MECS Time Profile Bin Size
POPID   =                    1 / POP Identifier
POPSTAT = 'ENABLE  '           / POP Status
PMT     =                    F / MECS1 PMT HV Switch
WINDOW  =                    F / MECS1 BE Window HV Switch
DRIFT   =                    F / MECS1 Drift Grid HV Switch
DU      =                    T / MECS1 Detector Unit ON
PMTHV   =                838.0 / MECS1 PMT HV
WINHV   =               6500.0 / MECS1 BE Window HV
DRIFHV  =               6000.0 / MECS1 Drift Grid HV
AELO    =                    0 / MECS1 Analog Low E Thr
AEHI    =                  239 / MECS1 Analog High E Thr
ABLLO   =                    0 / MECS1 Analog Low BL Thr
ABLHI   =                  239 / MECS1 Analog High BL Thr
DELO    =                    0 / MECS1 Digital Low E Thr
DEHI    =                  239 / MECS1 Digital High E Thr
DBL1LO  =                    0 / MECS1 Digital 1st Low E Thr
DBL1HI  =                  239 / MECS1 Digital 1st High E Thr
DBL2LO  =                    0 / MECS1 Digital 2nd Low E Thr
DBL2HI  =                  239 / MECS1 Digital 2nd High E Thr
DXLO    =                    0 / MECS1 Digital Low X Thr
DXHI    =                  239 / MECS1 Digital High X Thr
DYLO    =                    0 / MECS1 Digital Low Y Thr
DYHI    =                  239 / MECS1 Digital High Y Thr
TPE1LO  =                    0 / MECS1 Time Prof Low E Ch1
TPE2LO  =                    0 / MECS1 Time Prof Low E Ch2
TPE3LO  =                    0 / MECS1 Time Prof Low E Ch3
TPE4LO  =                    0 / MECS1 Time Prof Low E Ch4
TPE1HI  =                  239 / MECS1 Time Prof High E Ch1
TPE2HI  =                  239 / MECS1 Time Prof High E Ch2
TPE3HI  =                  239 / MECS1 Time Prof High E Ch3
TPE4HI  =                  239 / MECS1 Time Prof High E Ch4