
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NOT READY WSHIFT (May95) ftools.saxwfc WSHIFT (Feb96) NAME wshift -- reshift event detector positions USAGE wshift infile attfile pntfile outfile [options] DESCRIPTION Corrects the detector positions in order to re-align the Reshift the detector position of each event in order to cancel out the effects pruduced by relatively small drifts of the camera pointing. A prescribed set of Nominal Pointings is given in a separate file (pntfile) calculated by the attitude analysis program 'wattana'. PARAMETERS infile [string] The name of the event input FITS file. The file is assumed to be time ordered and free of Pseudo-events and of events originating from In-Flight calibration sources. pntfile [string] The name of the Good Time Interval FITS file to be used to filter the input table. attfile [string] outfile [string] The name of the output event FITS file. It is a copy of the input file having changed its position values in the X and Y columns. In case of the camera pointing shifts the Z column will be incremented by twice the identification number of the Nominal Pointing (calfile1 = "-" ) [string] The name of the input FITS file that contains the coordinates of the area boxes used for clipping and storing all events being located in any of these rectangulars. The data only pertains to events of SAX WFC-1. The purpose is to store separately all the events that come from the In-Flight Calibration sources for further gain calculations. For a description of the relevant table in this file, see TBD. (calfile2="-" ) [string] Same as for calfile1, only used for SAX WFC-2 (dateref="MJDREF") [string] Name of reference start date keyword (timeunit="T_SCALE") [string] Name time unit of keyword (interpol=no) [boolean] Interpolate position between attitudes (xrange = ??) [real] max allowed range in x-axis in pixel units (yrange = ??) [real] max range in y-axis in pixel units (arange = ??) [real] max range in rotation angle in arcminutes (blockio=yes) [boolean] Option to read/write in block mode. If not selcted The I/O time will increase (poscor=no) [boolean] Correct detector positions (pntcor=yes) [boolean] (tcolumn="TIME_WFC") [string] The name of the column in INFILE that contains the time (title=" ") [string] comments (verbsty=0) [integer] The verbosity level will control the output volume. EXAMPLES 1. Filter the second extension in a FITS file named events.fits using a GTI file named gti.fits and place filtered results in the FITS file out.fits. All other parameters take on their default values. ft> wgtiflt events.fits[2] gti.fits out.fits 2. Filter all extensions in a FITS file named events.fits using a GTI file named gti.fits and place filtered results in the FITS file out.fits. The COPYALL flag is set to yes, thus copying the primary array and any other extensions in the input file to the output file. ft> wgtiflt events.fits gti.fits out.fits COPYALL=yes REMARKS - Presently the realignment of detector postions is not supported. - Presently the interpolate option is not yet supported. - The default allowed ranges are only provisionally ALSO wfotfits, wgtiflt,fltime, mgtime, maketime, wmakgti, wmrggti
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