$Id: lcv.html,v 1.1 2019/09/05 09:27:11 wwwadmin Exp $


lcv, lightcurve


lcv, create lightcurve for each source listed in an irs output file.


The program can be started with no arguments at all, in which case the parameter values are taken from the parameterfile.
Alternatively, values can be passed via the commandline, the required items as command arguments, the optional ones as valued switches.

The last form (-q) creates the parameterfile in $PFILES.

The table lists all the parameters used by lcv, the second column lists the paramater key names used in the parameterfile, the first column gives the corresponding switch letter.

lcv parameters
resfile stringi irs file, iros data file.
lcvfile stringo lcv, lightcurve for every source in the inputfile.
btbin reali time bin size in seconds (default is 100.0).
aislfile inti file with a list of additional skylocations for which a lightcurve is to be produced, entries in catalog format.
tt_filtr rangei select events within one of the time intervals, the time interval must be specified in modified julian days (MJD).
Tt_ftrsec rangei as -t, however the interval time(s) is in seconds from the start time of the first input(event) file.
(if both -t and -T are present, the -T switch is ignored.
Iinsfile stringi overrides the IDF name in expfile.

p, L, i StageII global switches


Given the solution of iros, where the positions of, presumably all, n sources in the field of view were determined, we can write the following expression for the expected value for teh detector data (iros): the least-squares solution of which is Lcv computes the matrix (ST S)-1 once in its initialisation phase, and then evaluates STd for each timebin. The processing of each detected event in this timewindow requires only n (number of source positions) additions.
v = STd, is an n element vector, an event occuring at d[m], just adds Si[m] to vi.
At the end of the timebin the flux vector f is computed.


Lcv will produce lightcurves for the given iros solutions only, ie. only in the energy bands found in the inputfile.
A previous version of lcv used a different method to produce lightcurves and resolved all energy channels. This method is afflicted with an unacceptable crosstalk between sources in the field of view. We try to find a solution for the problems, for the time being the present implementation, though not providing full energy resolution, is the best we can offer.

The computation of the least-squares solution via the so-called normal equations is certainly not the numerically most stable one, there are better solutions, eg. orthogonalization methods (Gram-Schmidt). These require, here the original system has 6802 equations!, much more core memory and a lot more cpu time.


We have an reduced skyimage w817w1.res, the result of an iros run. The command (assuming valid environment variables are set)
lcv -p2 w817w1 w817w1
produces the following output
 lcv[99.99]                                Fri Jul  4 11:53:21 1997  page    1
[1]           source data
 +        ra      dec     na         x       y
 +      85.272  29.069 178.754 ->    0.00    0.00 (      pointing)
 +     -------------------------------------------------------
 +      83.616  22.077         ->   86.58   17.11 (    X0531+219 ) 
 +      85.272  29.069         ->    0.00    0.00 (  :background:) 
[1]lcv: computing the normal equations, chnls 2-10 ........
[1]evt_open: "/ruurq2/817/WOP817_0001w1prn1.fits"[SCI_NM], 1 of 2.
 +          time  50318.48730 - 50318.53446 (MJD)  [  4074.54 sec.]
[1]evt_open: "/ruurq2/817/WOP817_0001w1pdt1.fits"[LIFETIME], 1 of 2.
 +          time  50318.48751 - 50318.53458 (MJD)  [  4067.00 sec.]
[1] ..... reading the eventfile(s)
[1]evt_open: "/ruurq2/817/WOP817_0003w1prn1.fits"[SCI_NM], 2 of 2.
 +          time  50318.54530 - 50318.56055 (MJD)  [  1318.09 sec.]
[1]evt_open: "/ruurq2/817/WOP817_0003w1pdt1.fits"[LIFETIME], 2 of 2.
 +          time  50318.54529 - 50318.56062 (MJD)  [  1325.00 sec.]
[W]lcv_roundup: bin[63]+  6350.00sec. short bin, width= 28.706 sec.
[1]lcv: computing the normal equations, chnls 11-18 ........
[1]evt_open: "/ruurq2/817/WOP817_0001w1prn1.fits"[SCI_NM], 1 of 2.
 +          time  50318.48730 - 50318.53446 (MJD)  [  4074.54 sec.]
[1]evt_open: "/ruurq2/817/WOP817_0001w1pdt1.fits"[LIFETIME], 1 of 2.
 +          time  50318.48751 - 50318.53458 (MJD)  [  4067.00 sec.]
[1] ..... reading the eventfile(s)
[1]evt_open: "/ruurq2/817/WOP817_0003w1prn1.fits"[SCI_NM], 2 of 2.
 +          time  50318.54530 - 50318.56055 (MJD)  [  1318.09 sec.]
[1]evt_open: "/ruurq2/817/WOP817_0003w1pdt1.fits"[LIFETIME], 2 of 2.
 +          time  50318.54529 - 50318.56062 (MJD)  [  1325.00 sec.]
[W]lcv_roundup: bin[63]+  6350.00sec. short bin, width= 28.706 sec.
and produces a file w817w1.lcv. The ftool fstruct run on w817w1.lcv produces
  No. Type     EXTNAME      BITPIX Dimensions(columns)      PCOUNT  GCOUNT
   0  PRIMARY                 32     0                           0    1
   1  BINTABLE lightcrv_2_10   8     36(8) 64                    0    1
   2  BINTABLE lightcrv_11_1   8     36(8) 64                    0    1
The input file two energy bands, channels 2 to 10 (incl.) and 11 to 18.
Lcv thus creates two binary table extensions, named lightcrv_2_10 and lightcrv_11_18 (the lightcrv_11_1 is an fstruct limitation). The time bin size used was 100 seconds (default value), the table has 64 rows.
Each binary table extension contains the columns:
dlc columns
time 1Dtimetag for bin center, in modified julian day (MJD)
ltf 1Edetector life time fraction.
eon 1Eearth occultation status for FOV center, not yet implemented.
nevents 1Etotal number of events used.
X0531+219 1Eflux assigned to this source, cts/sec.cm2.
error 1Eerror in above flux, not assigned in this version, set to 0.
    the source name - error column pair is repeated for every source.
:background: 1Eflux assigned to the background, cts/sec.cm2, for the full field of view.
error 1Eerror in above flux, not assigned in this version, set to 0.



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