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WATPROC -------

FUNCTION Program to make WFC camera specific attitude data added with observation-mode and Earth-Position info.

USAGE watproc atifile ato1file ato2file ephfile obsfile [options]

DESCRIPTION From the raw attitude FITS file as extracted from the FOT for each WFC a separate attitude file is made. The program will fill the column with observatio mode (Pointing / Slew) from observation tables in the observation file. Derived from data of the ephemeris file columns will be filled containing the angle between instrument pointing and direction angle to center of earth.


atifile [string] Name of the raw attitude FITS file as extracted from the FOT.

ato1file [string] Name of the attitude output file dedicated for WFC-1 with additional information like obervation mode (Normal Pointing or Slewing) plus derived infirmation from the Ephemeris files like Earth Occultation information.

ato2file [string] Same as for ato2file but specific for WFC-2.

ephfile [string] Name of input ephemerides FITS file as extracted from the FOT.

obsfile [string] Name of input observation file containing the observation table of one FOT.

(calfile1="-") [string] The name of the input FITS file from which are fetched the misalignment angles to calculate the instrument pointing.

(calfile2="-") [string] Same as for calfile1, only used for SAX WFC-2

(verbsty=0) [integer] The verbosity level will control the output volume.

(pforce=yes) [boolean] If true all attitude data of unknown observation mode is forced to Normal Pointing mode.

(tforce=no) [boolean] If true the start of the ephemeris data will be aligned with that of the attitude data. (Used for TEST only)

(title=" ") [string] User caption to be tagged to each output FITS file header


> watproc OBS__att0.fits OBSw1att1.fits OBSw2att1.fits OBS__eph0.fits \ OBS__obs0.fits

REMARKS: - The program uses the parameter passing of the FTOOLS convention. - The Earth-Position is relative to the pointing of the camera and will be used to correct for the earth occultation fraction of detected X-ray sources.

SEE ALSO wfotfits, wattana

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Mark Savenije
Sat Jan 18 15:04:49 MET 1997