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WSHIFT ------

FUNCTION Program to reshift event detector positions

USAGE wshift infile attfile pntfile outfile npifile [options]

DESCRIPTION Reshift the detector position of each event in order to cancel out the effects pruduced by relatively small drifts of the camera pointing. A prescribed set of Nominal Pointings is given in a separate file (pntfile) calculated by the attitude analysis program 'wattana'.


infile [string] The name of the event input FITS file. The file is assumed to be time ordered and free of Pseudo-events and of events originating from In-Flight calibration sources.

attfile [string] The name of the attitude file that contains the attitudes for the given period.

pntfile [string] The name of the Nominal Pointing FITS file to be contian as the choice pointings to which event postions mustsbe shifted. This file is the oputput of wattame.

outfile [string] The name of the output event FITS file. It is a copy of the input file having changed its position values in the X and Y columns. In case of the camera pointing shifts the Z column will be incremented by twice the identification number of the Nominal Pointing

npifile [string] Name of output Nominal pointing Interval FITS file. This file will contain the start and stop times of each time interval during which all events al reshifted towards the same Nominal Pointing.

(calfile1 = "-" ) [string] The name of the input FITS file from which are fetched the misalignment angles to calculate the instrument pointing.

(calfile2="-" ) [string] Same as for calfile1, only used for SAX WFC-2

(poscor=no) [boolean] Correct positions for detector grid distortion

(pntcor=yes) [boolean] Correct[postions for pointing deviations (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED)

(interpol=no) [boolean] Interpolate event positions witninn one attitude attitudes resolution period (.05 seconds)

(xrange = ??) [real] max allowed range in x-axis in pixel units

(yrange = ??) [real] max range in y-axis in pixel units

(arange = ??) [real] max range in rotation angle in arcminutes

(blockio=yes) [boolean] Option to write output data files in fast block transfer mode. This may introduce a non-standerd FITS format that cannot be used across different computer systems.

(dateref="MJDREF") [string] Name of reference start date keyword

(timeunit="T_SCALE") [string] Name time unit of keyword

(tcolumn="TIME_WFC") [string] The name of the column in INFILE that contains the time

(verbsty=0) [integer] The verbosity level will control the output volume.

(title=" ") [string] User caption to be tagged to each output FITS file header

EXAMPLES Shift each event to the closest nominal pointing available

=> wshift OBSw1prn1 FOTw1att1 FOTw1pnt1 OBSw1prn2 npifile=OBSw1npi2 pntcor=yes

NOTES - The program uses the parameter passing of the FTOOLS convention. - Presently the realignment of detector positions is not supported. - Presently the interpolation of positins not yet supported. - The default allowed ranges are only provisional

SEE ALSO wfotfits, wgtiflt, watproc, wattana

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Mark Savenije
Sat Jan 18 15:04:49 MET 1997