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Below is a list of frequently used abbreviations 
throughout the WFC documentation.

 FITS - Flexible Image Transport System (standard for file structure)
  FOT - Final Observation Tape (delivered by the SDC)
  GTI - Good Time Interval (used for selecting time periods)
  HEA - High Energy Astrophysics
 HEAD - HEA Data-handling
   HK - Housekeeping
  IFC - In-Flight Calibration (uses Radiation Sources)
  NFI - Narrow Field Instrument (any of LECS, MECS, HP-GSPS and PDS)
   NP - Nominal Pointing
  NPI - Nominal Pointing Interval
  OBT - On-Board Time
  OCC - Operations Control Centre (utilizes satellite links)
   OP - Observing Period (consisting of one or more observations)
  SAX - Astronomical X-ray Satellite
  SDC - Science Data Centre
  SPV - Sensor Performance Verification
  WFC - Wide Field Camera (any of WFC1 and WFC2)

Mark Savenije
Sat Jan 18 15:04:49 MET 1997