Source Name [Source_Name] - 0FGL JHHMM.m+DDMM, constructed according to IAU Specifications for Nomenclature; m is decimal minutes of R.A.; in the name R.A. and Decl. are truncated at 0.1 decimal minutes and 1', respectively R.A. [RA] - Right Ascension (J2000) Decl. [DEC] - Declination (J2000) l [GLON] - Galactic Longitude b [GLAT] - Galactic Latitude 95% conf. radius [Conf_95_Radius] - Radius of 95% confidence region Sqrt TS [Sqrt_TS] - Square root of the likelihood test statistic (TS) from 200 MeV - 100 GeV analysis, used for the TS > 100 cut Flux (100MeV - 1GeV) [Flux100_1000] - 100 MeV - 1 GeV flux in photon/cm2/s Flux (1GeV - 100GeV) [Flux1000_100000] - 1GeV - 100GeV flux in photon/cm2/s Flux Unc. (1GeV - 100GeV) [Unc_Flux1000_100000] - Uncertainty on the 1GeV - 100GeV flux in photon/cm2/s. A flux uncertainty of zero indicates that the flux is an upper limit. Variability Flag [Variability_Flag] - T indicates 1% chance of being a steady source. See Section 3.5 of the paper. Sqrt TS (100MeV - 1GeV) [Sqrt_TS23] - Square root of TS for the 100 MeV - 1 GeV range Sqrt TS (1GeV - 100GeV) [Sqrt_TS35] - Square root of TS for the 1 GeV - 100 GeV range Gamma Assoc. 1-3 [ASSOC_GAM1, ASSOC_GAM2, ASSOC_GAM3] - Identification or positional associations with with 3EG, EGR, and 1AGL counterparts Class [CLASS1] - Class like 'ID' in 3EG catalog, but with more detail (see Source Classes) Assoc. 1 [ASSOC1] - Identification or positional associations with potential counterparts Assoc. 2 [ASSOC2] - Identification or positional associations with potential counterparts Below are descriptions of the values used in the Class and Alt. Class columns: PSR - pulsar pwn - pulsar wind nebula hxb - high-mass X-ray binary (black hole or neutron star) bzb - Bl Lac type of blazar bzq - FSRQ type of blazar bzu - uncertain type of blazar rdg - radio galaxy glb - globular cluster x - special case - potential association with SNR or PWN (see Table 2 in paper)