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SAX-WFC installation requirements

To compile and install WFC software you'll need a UNIX based computer system and the PATH should be set in a such way all compilers and UNIX utilities can be found, which is normally the case. Programs like make , tar , gunzip

are supposed to be on your system and along the PATH .

In order to compile all software you need an ANSI C compiler ( gcc version 2.6.3 is OK) and a FORTRAN 77 compiler. gcc is from the GNU Free Software Foundation and can be ftp'd from .

Stage I software also needs a FTOOLS implementation. We currently use version 3.4. Stage II software only needs the PGPLOT part of the FTOOLS distribution. FTOOLS is from NASA's HEASARC and can be ftp'd from .

Mark Savenije
Sat Jan 18 13:43:02 MET 1997