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Getting the software

The official distribution point for all SAX software is the Software Data Center (SDC) in Rome, Italy. All relevant software and calibration components can be obtained by anonymous ftp. Also SRON keeps a mirror of the WFC software. The SDC ftp-address is:

(, and the directory is: /pub/sax/software/wfc . An up to date overview of the software and other necessary parts can be found at: /bepposax/software/index.html .

Corresponding information about the SRON service:

(, and the directory is: /sax/Dist .

Full distributions can be identified by their name: wfc_full-###.###.tar.gz. Updates, depending on the contents of the update, can have names like: wfc_stage2-###.tar.gz if it concerns an update on the stage 2 software. The ### corresponds to the release version of the file. If multiple versions are available choose the highest. As you can see from the suffixes the distributions (and updates) are gnu-zipped compressed tar-files.

Mark Savenije
Sat Jan 18 13:43:02 MET 1997