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WGTIFLT -------

FUNCTION Program to filter a FITS table by selecting only the rows that have a time stamp within a specified set of time intervals. Additionally removes and stores events located in any of a number of given areas into a separate new FITS file. Further all Pseudo-Events are discarded.

USAGE wgtiflt infile gtifile outfile [options]

DESCRIPTION Selects rows from in input FITS table and writes them to an output table if the time stamp for that row falls within one of an input set of "Good Time Intervals" (GTIs). Optionally removes and stores events located in any of a number of given areas into a separate new FITS file. These clip areas are defined in an instrument calibration file. Automatically the parameters that are read in will be copied in the Primary Header of each FITS file. Records with bad (=negative time) are always removed.


infile [string] The name the input FITS table containing the list of events to be filtered.

gtifile [string] The name of the Good Time Interval FITS file to be used to filter the input table. This is a FITS table or bintable extension which contains 2 columns defining the start and stop times of a set of Good Time Intervals. The column values in this table are given in units of seconds relative to a start time specified in the extension header (see the description of the gtidate and gtitime parameters).

outfile [string] The name of the output "filtered" FITS table containing the selected events from the input file. This table will contain the same number and order of columns contained in the input

(clipout=yes) [boolean] If YES, then the task will clip and store events located in a a number of given areas into a separate new FITS file.

(clipfile=" ") [string] The name of the output "clipped" FITS table containing the selected events from the input file which are located in a a number of given rectangular areas. This table will contain the same number and order of columns contained in the input table. It is useful to get the counts of the In-Flight Calibration sources in a file for separate processing.

(calfile1="-") [string] The name of the input FITS file that contains the coordinates of the area boxes used for clipping and storing all events being located in any of these rectangulars. The data only pertains to events of SAX WFC-1. The purpose is to store separately all the events that come from the In-Flight Calibration sources for further gain calculations. For a description of the relevant table in this file, see TBD.

(calfile2="-") [string] Same as for calfile1, only used for SAX WFC-2

(tcolumn="WFC_TIME") [string] The name of the column in INFILE that contains the time stamp value that is used to determine if that row falls within one of the input Good Time Intervals. The values in this column should be in units of seconds relative to the start time ?? specified by the obsdate and obstime keywords in the header of the extension.

(xcolumn="RAWX") [string] Name for the column in the in/output file containing the X coordinate of the pixel.

(ycolumn="RAWY") [string] Name for the column in the output file containing the Y coordinate of the pixel.

(obsdate="-") [string] The name of the keyword containing the reference date in the input events table. The value can either be blank (or "-") to defeat the reference checking, in julian days or in 'dd/mm/yy' format.

(obstime="MJDREF") [string] The name of the keyword containing the reference time in the input events table in 'hh:mm:ss.ddd' format. This parameter is only used if obsdate is in dd/mm/yy format.

(obsunit="T_UNIT") [string] The name of the keyword containing the units of the time column. If omitted unites of 1 second are assumed.

(gticols="START,STOP") [string] The name of the columns in GTIFILE containing start and stop times.

(gtidate="-") [string] The name of the keyword containing the reference date in the input GTI table. The value can either be blank (or "-") to defeat the reference checking, in julian days or in 'dd/mm/yy' format. It must have the same format as the obsdate parameter.

(gtitime="MJDREF") [string] The name of the keyword containing the reference time in the input GTI table in 'hh:mm:ss.ddd' format. This parameter is only used if obsdate is in dd/mm/yy format.

(exposure="ONTIME") [string] The name of the keyword containing the exposure time in the input and output FITS file. If the keyword doesn't exist it will be created.

(clipout=yes) [boolean] If YES, then the task will clip and store events located in a a number of given areas into a separate new FITS file.

(blockio=yes) [boolean] Option to write output data files in fast block I/O. This may introduce a non-standerd FITS format that cannot be used across different computer systems.

(verbsty=0) [integer] The verbosity level will control the output volume.

(title=" ") [string] User caption to be tagged to each output FITS file header

EXAMPLES 1. Filter the FITS file contianing Hight time resolution event data using a GTI file. As no detector positions are available in this mode no IFC clipfile can be produced

=> wgtiflt OBSw1prh0 OBSw1gti OBSw1prh1 clipfile=no obsdate='-' obstime='MJDREF'

2. Filter a FITS file named contianing normal mode data using a GTI file extract IFC data events

=> wgtiflt OBSw2prn0 OBSw2gti OBSw2prn1 clipout=yes clipfile=OBSw2prc1

NOTES - The program uses the parameter passing of the FTOOLS convention.


'obsdate' and 'obstime' does not work like documented. For WFC only 'obsdate = -' and 'obstime = MJDREF' will work properly.

SEE ALSO fltime, mgtime, maketime, wmakgti, wmrggti

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Mark Savenije
Sat Jan 18 15:04:49 MET 1997