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WHKPROC -------

FUNCTION Program to proces both instrument and science housekeeping files of SAX-WFC and converts all housekeeping values to physical units. Discards records with bad times. Produces deadtime values and detects peaks in countrates from science housekeeping data.

USAGE whkproc infile outfile [options]

DESCRIPTION The resulting housekeeping data files can be used as input for the determination of the Good Times Intervals for selecting the event lists.


infile [string] Name of the input housekeeping FITS file to be precessed.

outfile [string] Name of the cleaned and processed output housekeeping FITS file

(peakfind=yes) [boolean] If positive a peakfile will be generated, the name of which is the argument of the 'peakfile' parameter

(peakfile=" ") [string] The name of the output FITS file containing the rise and fall times that specify detected countrate peaks.

(deadcalc=yes) [boolean] If positive a deadtime file will be generated, the name of which is the argument of the 'deadfile' parameter

(deadfile=" ") [string] The name of the output FITS file containing the calculated deadtimes per second.

(calfile1=" ") [string] The name of the input FITS file that contains the coefficients to calculate the physical values of temperatures and voltages from digitally coded analog value. For a description of the relevant table in this file, see TBD.

(calfile2=" ") [string] Same as for calfile1, only used for SAX WFC-2.

(convsec=no) [boolean] Option to convert the value in the time column to seconds. This normally is not needed, but is handy when making plots with 'fplot' the standard ftools plot facility.

(verbsty=0) [integer] The verbosity level will control the output volume.

(title=" ") [string] User caption to be tagged to each output FITS file header

(tforce=no) [boolean] This will introduce artificial rate bursts to test the peakhunt routines. (only for TEST puroposes)

EXAMPLES 1. Clean and convert a science housekeeping file and produce a file with calculated deadtime factors.

=> whkproc OBS_phs0 OBS_phs1 deadcalc=yes deadfile=OBS_pdt1

2. Clean and convert an instrument housekeeping file durinf slew mode and produce and convert the time to seconds and produce peakrate table

=> whkproc OBS_shi0 OBS_shi1 convsec=yes peaqkfind=yes peakfile=OBS_spk1

METHOD - Rejected are negative time tahs (flagged by wfordits in case of bad records or negative time jumps) - Peaks are found by analyzing the counts within a sliding window. Within a window only one peak can be recognized. Expressed in seconds are the size of the window, the minmum and the maximum length of an aceptable peak. Further the minimum height above the window average to be accepted as a peak is given in counts/sec. Finally a time period is used to restart the peakhunt after a data gap.

NOTES - The program uses the parameter passing of the FTOOLS convention.

SEE ALSO wfotfits, wmakgti, wqplot, fplot

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Mark Savenije
Sat Jan 18 15:04:49 MET 1997