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detector image file


detector-image file, default name suffix .exp..


A WFC detector-image file contains a reconstruction of the detector plane,
ie. a 2 dimensional histogram of the X and Y fields of events gathered.

The file may contain one or several image planes, where each plane harbours
events within a certain energy band. The number of planes is given by the
keyword NBAND, the energy range (a lower an upper limit, in WFC-channel
numbers) is listed in BANDn (1 <= n <= NBAND).

The total time over which the image was taken, is given by the keywords
TSTART and TEND. If this interval contains one or more gaps, the detector-
image file has an extension named 'GTI', listing the start and end times of
all 'good' intervals.


Binning. Depending on used instrument data file. X and Y event coordinates,
format depends on Stage I processing

Simulation keywords.




Mark Savenije
Sat Jan 18 15:04:49 MET 1997