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Structure of run levels

There are several levels to run the WFC software.
Below is a schematic drawing to show the hierarchy of the scripts (w_xxx) 
and invoked programs.  Each of the mentioned items will be described

	w_run --> w_stageI --> w_dearchive
	      -            -
	      -		   --> w_vaxlink
	      -            -
	      -		   --> w_proc --> w_fits ---> wfotfits
	      -                       -
	      -		  	      --> w_clean --> wattproc
	      -			      -	          --> wmakgti
	      -			      - 	  --> wmrggti
	      -			      - 	  --> wgtiflt
	      -			      - 	  --> wgain
	      -			      - 	  --> wattana (?)
	      -                       -
	      -			      --> w_plot ---> wqplot
	      -                       -
	      -			      --> w_shift (?)
	      -                       -
	      -			      --> w_spv ----> run_spv --> evaccum
	      -						      --> format
	      --> w_stageII --> cdi
		 	    --> iros
			    --> wopi
			    --> wspiros
			    --> correlate
			    --> lcv

The lowest (rightmost) level consists of the pool of machine programs.
To run these requires quite some expertise in order to use all the 
possible parameters correctly.

As most of these programs act on one observation only, scripts of the
are available to enable the pre-processing (stage-I) of a complete 
Observation Period.

To give a reasonable flexibility for moderately knowledgeable users
two scripts 'w_vaxlink' and 'w_proc' are distributed to enable a relatively 
simple calling of the programs of stage-I as a number of default tuning 
variables are built in.

On the next higher level two scripts 'w_stageI' and 'w_stageII' are 
available.  They are intended to be used by 'w_run' but can be inviked
seperately from user specific scripts.

The currently highest level is presented by script 'w_run' which can
be used only a standerd way of processing and analysing.  It may well
serve as a template for scripts built be the indivual user.

Script 'w_dearchive' is only relevant for the archiving system of 
SRON-Utrecht.  Presently for external proecessing locations it is 
assumed that the FOT data is on-line available.

Mark Savenije
Sat Jan 18 15:04:49 MET 1997