8th AGILE Mini-Workshop - The Third Birthday
28 April 2010, Bologna (Italy)

Workshop poster


8th AGILE Mini-Workshop - The Third Birthday
28 April 2010, Bologna (Italy)

The scientific community is invited to participate in the 8th AGILE Mini-Workshop that will be held in Bologna (Centro Congressi Area della Ricerca - Room 216, Via Gobetti, 101 Bologna) on April 28, 2010.

The Mini-Workshop will summarize the main scientific results of the AGILE Mission after the first 3 years of operations, and will focus on the role that the mission can play in future years.
A special session will be devoted to Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes (TGFs), that AGILE is detecting very effectively opening a new field of investigation in atmospheric physics.

The scientific program and logistics information can be found at http://www.asdc.asi.it/8thagilemeeting/index.php

For organizational purposes please notify your participation by registering at the workshop web site.