Name (*):
Email address (*):
Affiliation (*):
Supported instrument mode (*):
MIRI - Imaging MIRI - Medium Resolution Spectroscopy (MRS) NIRCam - Imaging NIRCam - Imaging Time Series NIRSpec - Fixed Slit (FS) Spectroscopy NIRSpec - Integral Field Unit (IFU) Spectroscopy NIRSpec - Multi-Object Spectroscopy (MOS) MIRI Imaging - NIRCam imaging NIRCam Imaging - MIRI Imaging NIRCam Imaging - NIRISS Imaging NIRSpec MOS - NIRCam Imaging NIRSpec MOS - MIRI Imaging
Request (*):
Generic request Proposal preparation - Observing strategies Proposal preparation - ETC calculation Proposal preparation - APT preparation/implementation Pipeline processing
Request description (*):
Do you plan to submit a JWST cycle 2 proposal as a? (*)
PI CoI External Collaborator None of the above
Level of JWST knowledge:
Beginner Intermediate Expert
How did you discover this service?
Colleagues Webinar Mail announcement Other
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